Brands & Products
We have a wide range of products which are carefully developed by our specialists. All our products stand for quality and are always looking for new innovative medical and technological improvements. In this way we can assure you that our products are always up to date and an addition on the current markets. Please see below our product range.
STARBALM is a brand that makes sporters happy. STARBALM prevents injuries so you can maximize your exercise to your own body limits.
GASTILOX® is a range of antacid products, which in Europe are number 1 choice to treat light stomach pain and aches.
BIOGAZE®, the woundcare product for burns & skin abrasions. Available in both Hydrogel as in Gauzes. Indispensible in the first-aid Kit.
SOMEX Intima is used to treat intimate parts of the body. SOMEX does not contain alcohol and has a PH of 5,5. This prevents itching and damage of the skin.
The sun makes the world go round and facilitates life on earth. Besides enjoying the lovely qualities of the sun, we should respect it’s extreme power. Always use proper skin protection against UVA and UVB radiation. SUNBADA empowers your skin.
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